Did you saw Kylie Jenner’s new bugatti that she posted a few months ago?
Actually, you might not have seen it.
Kylie deleted the picture of her brand new bugatti, because fans were hating and complaining – saying;
“You could’ve fed so many people with that money!”
“People are homeless and children are starving.”
“You only care about yourself. I would be lucky to even have a fraction of the money it took to buy that car but I can’t even pay my bills.”
… and so much more.
What these people who are complaining about Kylie spending her money on foreign fancy cars –
What they don’t realize, is that when they’re complaining about her spending the money in a way they don’t like – they’re pushing money away from themselves.
By complaining about how Kylie is spending her money, they’re sending a signal out into the universe that translates to “I don’t like money. Being rich is bad.”
The law of attraction states that what we put out vibrationally, we get back.
The law of attraction is not a theory or a mystical power you tap into – it’s literally a law of the universe, like gravity.
And because the law of attraction is one of the laws of this universe we live in –
When people complain about how rich people spend their money, they stay where they’re at financially.
You see, you can’t just think about the subject of ‘money’ to receive more money.
How you actually FEEL when you think about the subject of money, tells you if you’re attracting money, or if you’re pushing it away from you.
With every subject in the universe, there are two ends energetically.
- The having of that thing
- The lack of that thing
Whether it’s money, health, a boyfriend, a car, your dream job…
So how do you know if you’re attracting the having of the thing, or the lack of the thing?
You know by how you feel.
If you’re feeling happy, excited, in love with money and the idea of money and more coming to you…
Then you’re attracting money.
But if you’re feeling jealous, like there isn’t enough in the world to go around, if you think or believe that money is evil, if you believe there’s never enough money, you’ve never had enough money, money is hard to get…
Then you’re attracting the lack of money.
Pay attention to how you’re feeling when you’re talking about things that are important to you!
If attracting more money and having financial freedom is important to you, don’t engage in conversations where people are judging the way others spend their money.
Instead, let the people who have already achieved financial freedom be an inspiration to you and a reminder that you CAN achieve your goals –
That if they did it – you too can have financial freedom and live a life where you live out your dreams.