Channeled Lessons

The Importance of Self Reflection



At the end of the day, I’ve found it SO helpful to ask myself these questions. 

These questions help me to realize the mistakes I may have made throughout my day, and to address them in a loving, calm, and centered state.

These questions also help me to grow, and to realize that I can CHOOSE to be better. I can choose to act differently, to think differently, to speak differently to myself and to others…

We always have multiple options and choices – in every single moment.

We can change the course of our entire day from just one thought, action, etc. 

It’s SO incredibly helpful to remember that we don’t have to fall into the habits and patterns that we exhibited in the past. We can choose to be different, we can choose to be better… we can choose to be new. 

  • Was I kind when it mattered most?
  • Was I kind even when I didn’t have to be?
  • Was I kind to myself? Did I make up stories in your head about what other people may be thinking about you?
  • Did I lash out at someone? Why?
  • Could I have handled a situation better? How?
  • Did I fall into a practiced, habitual, ‘autopilot mind’ action or thought pattern?

You can ask yourself many questions, but these ones especially – I find most helpful in terms of reflecting on my actions, how I conducted myself towards others, and the words and thoughts I chose when speaking to myself. 

As said by the expert on all things mental, neurological and how to literally change our brains, Dr. Joe Dispenza says,

“The quantum model of reality tells us that to change our lives, we must fundamentally change the ways we think, act, and feel. We must change our state of being. Because how we think, feel, and behave is, in essence, our personality, it is our personality that creates our personal reality. So to create a new personal reality, a new life, we must create a new personality; we must become someone else. To change then, is to “be” greater than our circumstances, greater than our environment.”

So to change our life, we must first change ourselves. 

Our inner reality creates our outer reality. If we want to experience change, or a new experience in our lives, we need to first change ourselves. We need to first change our personality. We need to be willing to change, and act on our willingness, before we can experience physical change. 

My self reflection questions above are just one tool to help you change your personal reality, starting from the inside, out. 

The questions above give you your power back – They make you think before speaking, before acting, before falling down the rabbit hole of unending negative thoughts and old patterns that don’t belong to the true you.

I hope you find these helpful and put them to practice! This is part of the work that really transforms your life when it becomes a part of your routine.

