Channeled Lessons

Your Perspective on Sadness – and Emotions, Will Forever Be Changed After You Read This.



Why are you sad?

You know when you feel that knot in the pit of your stomach…

Like someone punched you there?

When you’re so upset that you have tears streaming down your face and your stomach hurts and you feel like total crap?

I have a little secret about sadness..

You feel so incredibly shitty when you’re sad, because your higher self is not sad. 

Your higher self, your soul-self, is happy. And… where does your higher self live?

Your higher self lives within you. It IS YOU. The real you. It cannot be separated from the physical being that is you.

We are spiritual beings FIRST…

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. 

So why do you feel so shitty when you’re sad? Or when you’re angry? Or when you’re upset?

Because whatever you’re feeling sad about… or angry about.. Or upset about.. Your higher self does not feel that way about that thing.

Your higher self is a part of you, and because it won’t be sad with you, or angry with you, or upset with you, you feel the vibrational dissonance that’s created by you being upset.

You feel that dissonance in a form of uncomfort, sadness, or even pain.

That pit in your stomach?

That’s your sign that you’re not thinking in alignment with your higher self.

When we switch our perspective on sadness and our emotions…

Depression, emotions and sadness no longer have power over us.

We take back our power when we realize that our emotions are a form of guidance, rather than try to suppress our emotions and change our circumstances. 

Feel your emotions fully. All emotions are, is a guide. Utilize them to their fullest potential to help you live peacefully & in alignment.

