
Sarah Joy Tells Us About Her Near Death Experience… and How it Was Actually the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Her



Photo Credit: @snowjacques on Instagram

In her interview with Manifest Easy, Sarah Joy shares how her near death experience changed her life for the better, and how she’s manifested her dream car and starting her very own successful business.

Sarah Joy’s Age: 28 years old

Her Current location: South Africa

Sarah Joy’s Profession: Business Owner (Independent Travel Company) & Singer

Instagram Username: @sarahjoyswanepoel

What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you?

“Funny enough, getting hit by a bus in Turkey in 2018 was the best thing that happened to me. This near death experience where I broke my collar bone, ribs, wrist and dislocated my shoulder, honestly changed my life. I am a better person since that day.”

What is your favorite part about being a woman?

“The ability that we as woman have, to carry and birth a child.

I haven’t got any children myself, but there is just something absolutely mindblowing about the fact that I could one day, carry a child.”

Who is your favorite role model?

“I’d have to say that my mom is my role model. She has taught me unconditional love in a way that I have never experienced from anyone else in my life. 

If I could turn out even just close to the woman she is, I’d be over the moon.”

What is your dream in life?

“For singing to be my full time career and to impact the world in a positive way so as to leave a legacy behind when I pass on.”

When you’re feeling down, what do you like to do to bring yourself back into good spirits?

“I’m a firm believer that we need to allow ourselves to really FEEL “down” or “sad” when we are in those states, so that we can acknowledge the feelings and then let it go.

I used to try and distract myself with other things so that I wouldn’t feel these emotions… but bottling it up doesn’t help!

Once I’ve taken ownership for feeling this way I then like to play guitar or sing to lift my mood up and channel my emotions into something creative. “

What makes your soul light up?

“Singing and songwriting are my true loves!”

What is your favorite outfit to wear at the moment?

“A plain crop top and comfy high-waisted trackpants with sneakers!”

What is your “happy place”?

“This would have to be when I’m on stage singing. There is no feeling that compares to this.”

What’s most important to you?

“Growth. So long as I am learning and growing daily, then I believe that I’m doing my best at this “life” thing.”

What’s the funniest moment you’ve ever experienced?

“I can’t really say that I have just one funny moment, everyday I try to make a point of laughing at myself. If you can’t laugh at yourself you aren’t living. I laugh a LOT!”

What’s your favorite thing that you’ve manifested into your life so far?

“Two years ago I set out to start my own business and get my dream car. With hard work, prayers, and aligning my choices, I managed to successfully open my own Travel Business and I bought my dream car as well.”

If you had the chance to talk to your younger self, what would you tell them?

“To give yourself time. Allow yourself to make mistakes and don’t beat yourself up when you do. Be brave. Stand up for what’s right and always try to love others no matter how much they hurt you. Be honest, with others and yourself.

You don’t need to try and impress anyone. Just be yourself. YOU are enough.”

What’s something that you love about yourself?

“My resilience. No matter what I’ve been through in my life and the trauma that I’ve been dealt, I always manage to find a way to stand back up and keep fighting.

There is a fire in my heart and my soul that doesn’t seem to burn out, and I am so grateful for this quality.”

What’s your favorite meal? Gimme allll the juicy details!!! 

“My favorite meal would probably be home cooked lamb stew. My mom would make this when I was a kid, mostly with beef though, but I absolutely adored it. With lots of vegetables and slow cooked so that the meat falls off the bone… in a rich tomato sauce with lots of spices… my mouth is watering just thinking about it!

Anything “homey” though. I’ll eat takeaways for practicality and convenience but there really is nothing like a home cooked meal.”

Do you meditate?

“I actually participated in a 10 day silent meditation retreat in a town called “Worcester, which is about an hour from Cape Town city about 3 years ago. This was one of the most incredible and transformational experiences I’ve had in my life.

This retreat completely changed my perception of “meditating.” You see, it taught me that you can practice meditation throughout your day. You don’t need to sit down and meditate for a certain amount of time. Meditation for me is about learning to quiet your mind so that you can focus on what’s really important. Sometimes just breathing is important enough.”

What is something you’re really proud of accomplishing? 

“I think my business would be one, but I’m also really proud of my singing career. I won a battle of the bands in Cape Town when I was around 13/14 years old as the best lead singer, and from then on excelled in numerous bands in the industry, as well as placing top 16 in Idols South Africa twice in a row.

I still haven’t let go of my dream and that’s something that I am really proud of.”

What do you want to be remembered as?

“I want to be remembered as someone who made a difference. As someone who gave hope. Someone who embodied unconditional love. Someone who spread light into the darkest places and helped others believe in themselves. As someone who fought for the weak and who stood up and spoke up for those who couldn’t. As someone who connected people through my songwriting and my singing.”

Follow Sarah Joy’s journey on Instagram: @sarahjoyswanepoel

