
Divine Feminine Nikita Liu Shares How Modelling Has Given Her a New Level Of Confidence



In her first interview with Manifest Easy, Nikita discusses how following her intuition has allowed her to become a full-time model, the importance of trusting the universe, and how modelling has given her a new level of confidence that laid dormant within her for 14 years.

Nikita’s Age: 18 years old

Her Current location: United States

Nikita’s Profession: Freelance Model

Instagram Username: @nikitaroseliu

What makes you feel most connected to your femininity?

“I feel the most connected to my femininity when I’m dressing up. I sing along to jazz music while I try on different clothes and pose in the mirror. It always feels glamorous.”

What outfit do you feel most sexy in?

“My personal style is a mixture of the risqué feeling of fetish clothing, the class of old Hollywood glamour, and the boldness of a pinup girl.

I feel my absolute sexiest when my hair is in a vintage style, my lips are red, and I’m wearing leather and vinyl.”

Has anyone ever judged you for showing your more feminine, emotional side? How did you deal with that?

“I tend to care very intensely and I used to do it in a way that was so overwhelming that I’m sure people thought I was crazy.

I drove a lot of people away. I can’t help it, I love to love.

I dealt with it by learning to stop being pushy and realizing that not everyone is meant to be around you forever.”

At what point in your life did you start to really step into your femininity and the divinity that comes with that?

“I began to learn about spirituality when I was around 14, but it wasn’t until I was 17 that I began to step into my femininity.

I spent the majority of my life basing my value on the judgments of others and I never considered myself worthy enough of love or respect to walk away from certain situations. Difficult times hardened me and I felt as if love was a limited resource to be used as sparingly as possible.

When I was 17, I went through what felt like the worst heartbreak a person could feel. Very soon after that, I dove deeper than ever into spirituality.

The universe presented me with solution after solution to every problem in my life at a pace that seemed miraculous. For the first time in my life, I felt truly divine.”

What’s your favorite self-care ritual?

“My favorite self care ritual is dimming the lights, lighting a candle, turning on some music, and dancing to it. Moving my body without caring about how I look brings me this really blissful, free feeling.”

 What do you love most about being a woman?

“I love the power that lies in being vulnerable. I love feeling secure in my emotions and not needing to put up a facade to protect myself.”

What inspires your creativity most?

“I find the most inspiration through the people I admire. I watch their interviews or speeches and I immediately feel like making or learning something.”

How do you express your creative side?

“I’ve always wanted to be the artist as well as the art, and I found that modeling fulfilled that need. I always do my own hair and makeup and I style all of my shoots.

Recently, I’ve been shooting and editing my own photos at home and it’s been so much fun trying to create different kinds of images in the same space.

Outside of modeling, I’m an avid painter and I make clothes sometimes. I just love to be in a constant state of creation.”

Women are intuitive beings by nature. What’s one instance where you’ve felt called to really tap into your intuition and listen to that voice inside of you?

“I went to cosmetology school for about a month and I was so miserable. I knew that it wasn’t what I was supposed to be doing, but, there were so many people that made me feel like I needed a “plan b” because my goals were not conventional.

I followed my intuition and dropped out to pursue the career I really wanted. I am so grateful that I did.” 

Women have an intrinsic trait where we tend to avoid confrontation, and handle issues passively. Because of this, we can often manipulate the situation and get our way without fighting. What’s one time that you’ve seen this trait show through you?

“There were times in which I just completely stopped talking to people because it felt easier than confronting them. I hope to become more tactful.”

When did you really start to feel confident in yourself? Was there a specific moment or event that caused you to embrace yourself with love and step into confidence?

“I lived 14 years without ever feeling pretty. I always felt like I was too short or too fat or my shoulders were too broad or that the giant birthmark on my left arm was a stupid flaw.

Constant thoughts like that can feel so heavy on a young girl. I decided one day that I wanted to look nice…

I wanted to dress up and do my hair and makeup and get a professional photographer to take my photos. When I saw the final images, I saw myself in a new light. I felt confident in my appearance for the first time in my life.”

Was there a time you ever doubted yourself? And how did you overcome your doubt?

“When I was in my senior year of high school, everyone around me was applying to college. My parents expected me to go to college. I saw a different path for myself.

I saw myself becoming a model, an actress, an artist. I saw myself learning because of my overwhelming desire for knowledge, not for a degree. I hadn’t started modeling professionally yet at this point and I had so many doubts that any of this would work out.

As difficult as it was at first, I put all of my trust in the universe. I had to remind myself over and over that I would get what’s meant for me.”

As women, we are too often told we need to change the way we look, and the media and beauty industries can pick on our insecurities. How do you like to honor your body and remind yourself how beautiful and perfect you are? 

“I honor my body by staying healthy. I eat clean and exercise almost every day. I remind myself that my body is strong and capable and that I should be thankful for that.”

What advice would you give to a young girl who isn’t confident in her body and femininity yet?

“You don’t have to look like someone you think is beautiful to be beautiful yourself. Beauty comes in every form. The universe has created the most diverse, magnificent sights. Know that you are one of them.”

Women are naturally highly sensitive beings, and we deeply feel our emotions. How do you honor your emotions and give yourself space to feel?

“When my emotions feel intense, I write them down in complete honesty. I put all my incoherent thoughts verbatim on paper. I don’t ever let myself suppress my feelings and when I’m feeling bad, I ask myself what I’m afraid of.”

As women, and divine feminine beings, we’re given the precious ability to create life. In our society, we’re told we need to be mothers and raise a family. While having the incredible ability to create life and give birth, not every woman decides to become a mom, and that’s okay. What are your thoughts on this topic? How do you feel about being able to create the most precious thing on earth – life itself?

“This is a topic I feel very strongly about. The ability to create life is so magical. However, I have chosen to not be a mother.

It is so unsettling to hear the words “you’ll change your mind” whenever I express this choice.

In society’s eyes, you have to want to be a mother or you’re selfish. I hear women who are not mothers often referred to as “childless women” and I think that’s horrible because it implies that they are missing something just because they did not raise a child.

These women have life purposes. They have careers, passions, and dreams, yet, society only looks at them as “childless women” and that breaks my heart.”

The divine feminine energy within you is inherently strongly connected to nature – Mother Earth. What is your favorite way to spend time in nature and honor Mother Earth?

“I love to go to nature trails and take long walks. I also love to just sit still and observe the clouds and the butterflies and the way the wind shakes the trees.”

As women, we are the embodiment of Divine Feminine energy, but we also have Divine Masculine energy within us. Do you often feel like you have more feminine energy than masculine, or vice versa? How does the energy that you think is most dominant within you often express itself through you? 

“I believe that I’ve mostly reached a balance between the two after being feminine dominant for a very long time. For brief moments nowadays, my masculine energy shines through strongly.

I can be a little impulsive, impatient, and aggressive, but the feminine energy in me always strives to improve in those areas.”

Follow Nikita’s journey on Instagram: @nikitaroseliu

