Abundance + Money

How To Get Them To Text You First



Have you ever sat down looking at your phone, waiting for that one person to text you or call you?

Wondering WHY they’re not texting or calling you?

Feeling this pit in your stomach, like something must be wrong or you must be unworthy of their attention…

I’ve been there too.

I used to OBSESS over people texting me. 

I used to feel so unworthy without their validation and constant attention..

But then I learned something. 

I learned true self love. 

Not the happy, rainbows and sunshine self love where you love only the sparkly and shiny parts of yourself. 

I’m talking about TRUE self love – 

the kind when you love your mistakes. 

The kind of love when you love your flaws.

The kind of love when you put yourself first. 

The kind of love when you protect your energy.

The kind of love when you are in no need of any outside validation.

And once I learned that loving myself felt better than outside validation anyways – 

All of that came. 

People text me back effortlessly.

And in fact, I can be in a state where I think of someone for a moment and then they text or call. 

It’s very easy to get into this state, 

I’ll tell you how. 

First, detach from the text, or the answer, or person. Make these things neutral to you, and act as if you’re observing them as you visualize them in your mind. Try not to attach emotion to your visualization. 

The more attached you are to the outcome, the harder it is to attract it into your physical reality. 

Let go, and trust that the universe will bring you want you ask or better. 

Having the true intention to appreciate this person or add value to this person also helps you manifest their attention, where as if you’re just looking to waste someone’s time or if you’re looking to fill a void within yourself by being in their vicinity, you’re holding that person’s attention away from you. 

The universe will keep throwing to you lessons that you need to learn until you learn them. 

People will always ignore your texts if you always get upset that they ignore you, if you feel unworthy and are in need of validation… people can feel that energetically, and the universe by the law of attraction returns back to you the vibrations you’re putting out, which in this case would be vibrations from a lackful state. 

Vibrations from a lackful state regarding people’s attention = no attention from those people. 

Take your power back by letting go of the need for constant attention and validation from others. 

You have all the attention of your guides and your higher self. You have the power that creates entire worlds within you. 

You do not need validation from others. 

You are perfect and powerful the way you are right now. 

You just need to remember it. 

