Abundance + Money

How Do I Figure Out What the Right Action is for Me to Take?



If you’ve read my post on “Does Manifestation Require Taking Action?” you know already that sometimes, (not all the time) manifesting what we want into the physical realm requires action.

So now you’re left with the question, “What action is right for me to take so that I can manifest what I want, quickly and easily?”

First off, if you’re not asking this question, you totally should.

The Universe doesn’t want things to be hard,

The Universe doesn’t give us anything for the sake of us “going through it”

The Universe doesn’t do anything that isn’t out of unconditional love.

If you want easy, 

The Universe wants that for you too.

So now, back to the question of “What action is right for me to take so that I can manifest what I want, quickly and easily?”

The Universe already has everything ready for you to achieve what you want.

Chances are, you’ve already gotten some hints, or nudges in that direction..

Or if you’re anything like the past me (read the About Us section for more information on this) and you have ignored the nudges and the hints the Universe has given you…

The Universe and your guides of unconditional love may be literally screaming and shouting at you and causing mayhem in other ways to get you back on track.

Your only job is to follow the signals and signs you receive, and go in that direction.

Don’t worry about how you’ll get to your desired destination,

Don’t worry about when you’ll get to your desired destination,

Just follow the hints, follow the signs, and you will get there. 

The hints and the signs are the Universe telling you exactly what action to take.

You could receive a hint through an Instagram post..

You could receive a hint through an ad on the internet…

You could receive a hint through numbers you see…

The information is there – 

It’s your job to take the hint, decode the message, and step up to the plate to take action on what it is the Universe is showing you.

Everything you see that feels right, is a message for you. 

Knowing how to decode your body’s signals and the outward signals from the Universe is one of the most important parts to manifesting what you actually want in life.

