
Goddess Oshin Discusses How Motherhood Helped Her Step Into Her Divine Power



Cover Photo Credit: @plasswlove on Instagram

In her first interview with Manifest Easy, Oshin Nesbeth shares what makes her feel most connected to God and her femininity, and how being a mother as allowed her to step further into the Divine Power wihtin her.

Oshin’s Age: 25 years old

Her Current location: USA

Instagram Username: @lioness_on_di_rise

What makes you feel most connected to your femininity?

“My womb.”

What outfit do you feel most sexy in?

“Swimsuits and lingerie.”

Photo Credt: @kmurbanmedia

Has anyone ever judged you for showing your more feminine, emotional side? How did you deal with that?

“Not that I know of, but I’m sure someone has behind my back because I’m a very emotional person and there are a lot of emotionless people around me.”

At what point in your life did you start to really step into your femininity and the divinity that comes with that?

“I started to really step into my Divine Feminine when I started my loc journey, which was about 5/6 years ago.

When I actually stepped into motherhood my Divine Femininity became deeper. The feeling of life being created inside my womb made me more intuned with myself, Mother Earth/Nature, God, and being a woman.”

Photo Credt: @kmurbanmedia

What’s your favorite self-care ritual?

“Yoni steaming!”

 What do you love most about being a woman?

“Creating life and bringing that life into the world.”

What inspires your creativity most?


How do you express your creative side?

“In many different ways, like dancing, fashion, my hairstyles, cooking, designing… and sometimes art.”

Women are intuitive beings by nature. What’s one instance where you’ve felt called to really tap into your intuition and listen to that voice inside of you?

“There were times when I held back my greatness for others, and one day I heard my inner self speak to in a way she’s never spoken to me before.

She told me not to dim my light for others, and that I will be great and bring light those who need it.

From that day on I’ve always let my greatness take it’s course, with no one stopping me but God.”

Women have an intrinsic trait where we tend to avoid confrontation, and handle issues passively. Because of this, we can often manipulate the situation and get our way without fighting. What’s one time that you’ve seen this trait show through you?

“This trait shows through me majority of the time when dealing with my mother and husband mostly.

I’m the type of person that doesn’t like to argue, fuss or fight…

But I am not afraid of confrontation either. I’d just rather be calm… Being calm takes less energy away from me than fussing and fighting.”

Photo Credit: @plasswlove

When did you really start to feel confident in yourself? Was there a specific moment or event that caused you to embrace yourself with love and step into confidence?

“I was born with so much confidence. I have always been confident in myself whether I won or lost.”

Was there a time you ever doubted yourself? And how did you overcome your doubt?

“No, I do not doubt myself in anything I do, even if I’ve never done it before.

I always tell myself that I can, so I will.”

As women, we are too often told we need to change the way we look, and the media and beauty industries can pick on our insecurities. How do you like to honor your body and remind yourself how beautiful and perfect you are? 

“Looking at myself naked in the mirror, maybe dance a little as well!”

What advice would you give to a young girl who isn’t confident in her body and femininity yet?

“I would let her know that confidence comes from within.

You must look deeper into yourself with peace, love and importance.

Find your true self and release her.”

Women are naturally highly sensitive beings, and we deeply feel our emotions. How do you honor your emotions and give yourself space to feel?

“[I give myself] alone time.”

As women, and divine feminine beings, we’re given the precious ability to create life. In our society, we’re told we need to be mothers and raise a family. While having the incredible ability to create life and give birth, not every woman decides to become a mom, and that’s okay. What are your thoughts on this topic? How do you feel about being able to create the most precious thing on earth – life itself?

“My thoughts on that topic is that maybe they’re afraid, selfish or not aware of their divine greatness of being a woman.

The feeling I feel about being able to create life is unexplainable. Just know when I do feel, the first person/spirit I feel is God’s.”

The divine feminine energy within you is inherently strongly connected to nature – Mother Earth. What is your favorite way to spend time in nature and honor Mother Earth?

“Sitting outside and admiring the trees, and how they grow, how they stand tall and firm… How something so simple plays a big role in life.”

As women, we are the embodiment of Divine Feminine energy, but we also have Divine Masculine energy within us. Do you often feel like you have more feminine energy than masculine, or vice versa? How does the energy that you think is most dominant within you often express itself through you? 

“I definitely have more femine energy than masculine.

My feminine energy expresses itself through me by the way I carry myself, the way I speak, the way I dress, and majority of the things I do.”

Follow Oshin’s journey on Instagram: @lioness_on_di_rise

