
Fashion Influencer Mollie Page Tells Us What She’s Most Proud Of



In her interview with Manifest Easy, Mollie Page tells us what she’s most proud of, her funniest experience to date, and what advice she would give to her younger self!

Mollie’s Age: 17 years old

Her Current location: London, United Kingdom

Mollie’s Profession: Influencer and part time waitress

Instagram Username:

What is the best thing that has ever happened to you?

“Many [great] things have happened [to me] – it’s hard to choose the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I can’t really think off the top of my head.”

What is your favorite part about being a woman?

“My favourite part of being a woman is expressing myself how I want to like with style and clothes! And doing makeup!”

Who is your favorite role model?

“I wouldn’t say I have a role model.

But, there’s a few people who inspire me. Such as Daisey and Ellie O’Donnell; Their content is just wow and they work very hard on creating good content that inspires other girls like me.”

What is your dream in life?

“My dream in life is to be a full time influencer and make all my earnings online.

I love working on Instagram, I’ve met so many amazing people on their and learnt so many things. I would love to carry on working with companies and hopefully make it my full time job in the future!’

When you’re feeling down, what do you like to do to bring yourself back into good spirits?

“Whenever I’m feeling down I like to remind myself who I am.

[I] do my makeup to make me feel better, listen to some music to distract me from why I’m feeling down… Or just talk to a friend who really understands me.”

What makes your soul light up?

“My passion is clothing and fashion. I just love putting outfits together, buying new clothes… it just makes me so happy.

Even better that – I’m lucky enough to work with clothing brands… It literally is the best thing ever!”

What is your favorite outfit to wear at the moment?

“My favourite outfit to wear at the moment is long tops with a belt.  Long baggy tops are so comfy and the belt just adds to the look!

Since the weather in England is getting better and summer is approaching, this outfit is perfect!”

What is your “happy place”?

“I wouldn’t say I have a happy place, but I have happy people. When I’m around them I am instantly happy and I’m so grateful for these 3 people in my life. Abbie, Harry, and David. They are amazing!”

What’s most important to you?

“Most important thing to me is me and my family and friends who are classed as family. We all may argue, but at the end of the day they are most important to me.”

What’s the funniest moment you’ve experienced?

“The funniest moment I’ve experienced? That’s a hard one. I’ve had many – I literally laugh at anything…

..And the best moments are when you laugh and it actually hurts and you can’t stop laughing.

Back in school, I had many funny moments where I’d laugh like that over stupid little things.  To this day I think the funniest moment I’ve ever experienced is when my class presentation went wrong.

Me and my friends really messed it up and embarrassed ourselves during the presentation and completely laughed it all off!! All of us couldn’t stop laughing and what made it more funny is nobody else was laughing! That’s the most I have ever laughed.”

What’s your favorite thing that you’ve manifested into your life so far?

 “I’m not really sure!”

If you had the chance to talk to your younger self, what would you tell them? 

“I would tell my younger self to not stress over exams. This is the most important thing… Exams make you [feel] so under pressure and some people can’t handle it.

I’d love to go back, and say ‘exams don’t matter it’s just a bit of paper!!”

What’s something that you love about yourself? 

“Something I love about myself is, I’m unique. I’ve never met anyone just like me.

I am outgoing but can be serious too. I’m not shy anymore and…Well, it’s hard to explain but I’m not like any ordinary girl. I like to look different too…dress different than everyone else..

I’d say I am very EXTRA!”

What’s your favorite meal? Gimme allll the juicy details!!! 

“My favourite meal – apart from takeaway – is jacket potato with cheese.

I am very fussy and that’s the only thing I’d eat as a child. And I still often eat it now. My second favourite is pasta with sauce and cheese. You just cant beat pasta!”

Do you meditate?

“I don’t meditate. I’m not a very patient person… plus I get bored easily. I don’t really see the point!”

What is something you’re really proud of accomplishing? 

“Something I’m really proud of doing?  Making people smile and laugh.

I always take my time to make people laugh. Or, whenever someone is upset I try to make them feel better, and when I’ve made their day it makes me feel so good about myself and proud of who I am!”

What do you want to be remembered as?

“I want to be remembered as unique. I’m not an average girl. And I want people to remember who I am by [me] just being myself.”

Follow Mollie’s journey on Instagram:

